2nd Vaccination Drive
8th September 2021 Walsingham House School, Napean Sea Road
Ruchika Club organized the second Vaccination Drive, three months after the first
one in June 2021, to give its members and visitors, their second dose of
Our member, Mrs. Sujata Mittal, generously gave us the school premises, for this
noble cause. She visited the drive, to oversee everything was functioning
smoothly. The school staff was also very helpful and attentive. Our grateful
thanks to the Mittal family for their continued support.
The vaccines were sourced from Dr. Ankur Mehta of Dr. Ambedkar’s Lifeline
Medicare Hospitals.
A total of 1000 people were given their shots, along with their bonafide
885 free vaccines were given through the day. Visitors wrote back to Compliment
the club on the meticulous management and spacious arrangements made, for all
those who came.
Despite the rain, the arrangement was made for the public to wait in a covered space,
till it was their turn. Ruchika Club volunteers worked diligently to look after every
In its Golden 50th Anniversary, the club has pledged to ‘Serve and Heal’ society
and extend a helping hand to the needy. The Vaccination Drive was in keeping
with our pledge.